Physics & Chemistry Afterschool Class Series
OSE/CSF teaches 160+ class hours during the school year as afterschool classes or during the day at public, charter, home and private schools. We can also help youth groups such as Scouts and the Boys and Girls Club.
Classes focus on active learning physics, chemistry, and the earth and life sciences. We work with a parent or educator to bring this wonderful once a week opportunity to grades 2-10. Class size is 10-20 students, and series are usually paid for by parents or donations.
Our goal is to show that science is fun, and that students are a lot smarter than they think. Advanced concepts are presented in small steps. The student centered, active learning is very valuable, especially when natural curiosity is abundant and early success is important. Research confirms lasting benefits of good science with a great teacher, especially for better jobs and income, and understanding ourselves and our world.